Motherhood: Looking back, what I would change about my thoughts.

As my kids get older (George, my youngest, just turned 2!), I often think: If I were to do those newborn days again, would I do it differently? I don’t think I would change a thing… but I would change my thoughts on some key things…

  • I wouldn’t feel so guilty over whether I did formula or breastfed. Whatever you choose or have to do, NO ONE cares. Both are great options.

  • I wouldn’t feel so guilty about working outside the home. Our kids feel our love and that is what matters.

  • I wouldn’t stress about when my baby rolled over, crawled or walked. Every single baby is on their own track. All three of mine have been so different.

  • I would reassure myself that the sleepless nights are not forever. That I will sleep again!

  • I wouldn’t worry so much about nursing the baby to sleep. I would read so much about how we shouldn’t do that, but I always did it…and now looking back, I don’t know why I worried so much.

  • I wouldn’t worry how I fed my child. BLW was all over social media when I had Dylan and left me with a pit of mom guilt when I did purées. Fed is best. You do what works for you and your baby. And again, no one cares.

  • I wouldn’t worry so much about fitting into my pre-pregnancy pants. I should have just bought new pants

  • I would go on more dates with Chad. Something we still need to work on.

Basically, the things I would change involve a lot of the mom guilt that runs wild in our minds and consumes us. Looking back, my one piece of advice for new moms is to just do YOUR thing and love your child.

Thanks to Georgia Photography who captured these moments. If you are in St. Louis and are looking for a photographer, check her out! We love her mini sessions.