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Is our country safe enough for our children?

Over the past several days, I have gone about my days with a pit in my stomach. An anxious, sick feeling. It hasn’t left and if I stop and think too much about it, tears form in my eyes. At my daughter’s last day of school, on my morning walk, when I hugged a friend, when I kissed my children goodnight. The pit in my stomach and tears are still there. And will not be leaving anytime soon.

Parents right now are faced with the grim question: Is this country safe enough for our children? And the answer is no.

You see, we go through these motions of life and adulthood without thinking of this reality. As I began to raise my small family, I started to do it without thinking about what the future will hold for them. What their life will look like. What this world will look like. Right now, all I can think about is how current laws allow people who want to kill, to buy a semi-automatic rifle without a blink of an eye and at the age of 18. 18-year-old’s cannot even drink alcohol legally, but they can buy a semi-automatic rifle that butchers the human body.

The helpless pit in my stomach is growing stronger by the day. How can it be that nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing NOTHING has been done to help prevent these horrible weapons from easily getting into the hands of people who want to use them to kill innocent people and children? People say we are the best country in the world. But yet… this is the reality. Our country is not safe enough for our children.

As a mother, a parent, and someone who is just trying to do my best in this world… it leaves me defeated and feeling like we have failed our children. That we haven’t done enough to make sure their schools and their life is safe.

Every single one of us has a voice. And if you are not using that voice to call or message your senator right now and urge them to support safer COMMON SENSE gun legislation, you will be contributing to the reason our country is not safe enough for our children. They need to hear from all of us right now.

If you are reading this blog post, text BOLD to 644-33 right now. It took me 60 seconds. It sends a letter to your Senator for you. Or you can go to your Senator’s website and contact them directly.

Almost every single American agrees we need safer common sense laws, so we HAVE to let our lawmakers know we support this. At the very least, do it for the children. If you don’t, how would they look at you if they found out you didn’t message your lawmaker to make their world safer. What would you tell them? You were busy? Or your voice didn’t matter? Or you forgot because it didn’t affect you?

90% of Americans are begging for action. We can change the future in this country. We just each have to stand up for ourselves and demand it from our lawmakers. The NRA and its money cannot win this.